Constanţa is a coastal Black Sea town in south of Dobrogea, Romania. It is the second most important city in the country. During summer it is a beautiful touristic city to visit. It is the capital of the Constanta county and the largest harbor at the Black Sea. It is a great city to begin to explore the wonders of the sea.
- The old Casino at the harbor was opened in 1911. It was built in the Art Nouveau style and conceived by two architects, Petre Antonescu and Daniel Renard.
- Tomis Marina is the place where the teenagers come every night to spend time together.
- The statue of Ovidiu (the same statue can be seen in Sulmona).
- The Archaeological Park
- The Planetarium
- The Delphinium
- Museums
- The National Museum of History and Archeology displays an impressive collection of pieces from the Greek and Roman antique.
- The Popular Art Museum
- The Navy's Museum
- The Sea's Museum
- The Harbor's Museum
- The Great Mosq, a gift from King Carol I to the small Moslem's community. From this place you can see the Constanta harbor and also a big part of Constanta. You have to see it in the evening, is precious.
- Beach
- You can do sunbathing or you can swimm in the Black Sea. There are two beaches mentained by the city authorities.
- The Aqua Magic Water Park is the first water park in Romania. Aqua Magic is situated at the entrance of Mamaia from the south . It is open to all ages.The park has nine water attractions including two for children.
- Walk
- You can stroll the city's streets, the hystorical penninsular area, the sea coast, the Tomis Marina, or one of the many parks, on the lake-side or trough the aincent greek colony Tomi's ruins.
- Shopping: You can shop downtown where most big shopping centers are situated.
- Tomis MAll
- Complex TOM ( Carrefour + BricoStore )
- City Park Mall
- Constanta Mall
- Casa Modei
- Billa
- Real Hypermarket
- Selgros Cash and Carry
- Metro Cash and Carry
- Praktiker
- Cinemas
- Republica
- Dacia
- Studio
- Tomis Garden
- Glendale Multiplex (in Tomis Mall),
- Theatres
- Lyrical Theatre
- Drama Theatre Ovidius
- Elpis
- Fantasio
- Teatrul de Vară "Fantasio"
- Classical Ballet Theatre"Oleg Danovski"
- Bars and clubs
- There are many bars and clubs open in Constanta, especially during summer-time.
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